Nelson Property Investors' Association

03 547 7718

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Archive: June 2015

How to stop a second card from being issued

When you are entering payments do you know how to stop 2 cards from being issued when you only need 1?
27-06-2015 more >>

Sending Invoices from PIMMS

We're proud to have extended the email and newsletter system to allow you to send Invoices to members using PIMMS.
26-06-2015 more >>

How to use Newsletters and Emails

How to use Newsletters and Emails. The place to go to learn how to use the Emails system to send newsletters and emails.
25-06-2015 more >>


Are you using Grammarly and planning to send emails from PIMMS or edit the website? It might be an idea to disable Grammarly for PIMMS.
24-06-2015 more >>

What is a Tidbit

Tidbits are tiny help files to let you know what is new in PIMMS or tips on how to use it well.
24-06-2015 more >>

Jackie Thomas-Teague will speak on rental property inspections

Jackie Thomas-Teague on Inspections and how to make people respond to them.
23-06-2015 more >>

Results: 1-6 of 6