?> Brett Whiteley from Westwind Projects and Courtenay Isherwood from Isherwood Consultants Limited :: Nelson Property Investors' Association

Nelson Property Investors' Association

03 547 7718


Up coming Events

Keeping you updated with up and coming events

Brett Whiteley from Westwind Projects and Courtenay Isherwood from Isherwood Consultants Limited

Nov 3, 2020 - 7:30pm

  The Honest Lawyer Country Pub, 1 Point Rd, Monaco, Nelson.

The meeting proper commences at 7.30pm with the ever popular meal at 6pm when you will have the opportunity to talk to other investors.

Please book meal in advance by emailing Nelson Property Investors Association or alternatively contacting Glenn on 03 547 7718.


Residential Property Inspections with Brett Whiteley from Westwind Projects

We specialise in Residential Property Inspections.

Our goal is to provide a comprehensive condition report so that you can make an informed decision about the next property you are about to purchase.

We offer a variety of inspections such as Pre-Sale (i.e. those going to Auction or Tender and are supplied by the seller) or Pre-Purchase (i.e. the purchaser of the property has included it, as a clause, in the Sale Agreement).

Remediation reports are available to Property Owners, Insurance Companies, Property Managers or Rental Owners, where a property has been damaged either intentionally or by a natural event.

Unauthorised Building Works reports can be compiled for a Certificate of Acceptance or Safe and Sanitary Reports to go to your local Council.

Floor level surveys can be undertaken for the record of what condition the house is on a certain date, for future proof of movement in a natural event (i.e. Earthquake).

Maintenance Reports and future maintenance plans can also be drawn up.

All reports are accurately recorded, and discussed in person, with the persons who commissioned the report.

When not working, I am busy enjoying the outdoors lifestyle that Nelson has to offer, whether it be kayaking, mountain biking, tramping or sea kayaking.


Infill and retrospective consenting with Courtenay Isherwood from Isherwood Consultants Limited

There has been a sea change at a national level policy wise- driven by the shortage of housing stock and housing affordability issues  in many parts of NZ. Big changes are finally underway at a local level that will create a “new normal” and new opportunities.

I'll talk briefly regarding the RMA and consenting process generally, before discussing  the National Policy Statement on Urban Development (2020), The Nelson Tasman Urban Growth Strategy(2019) and New Nelson Plan (released for consultation Oct 6)  and what this means  in practical terms, hopefully with as little jargon as possible!